8 Food for Healthy Skin

8 Food for Healthy Skin

If you want fabulous skin, glowing, vibrant and younger-looking skin, then do yourself a favour by drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy skin diet and your skin will thank you 20 years down the road.

Beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within and it is definitely not easy to keep remembering what constitutes a healthy skin diet with so many things going on in a day. So here is a cheat sheet to help you achieve your goals. Just include these food in your daily lunches with your colleagues and you will be on your way to having beautiful skin in no time.

Because You Are What You Eat.

1) Berries
- high antioxidant content which prevents cell damage
- cranberries, raspberries, acai-berries, blueberries, blackberries, plums and strawberries

2) Mushrooms
- promote a healthy heart, skin, hair and nails
- super antioxidant food
- ie. shitake and reishi

3) Mangoes
- helps reinforce skin cells
- high in Vitamin A

4) Avocados
- to nourish and soothe irritated and sensitive skin
- rich in essential oils and B-complex vitamins like naicin

5) Salmon
- maintains healthy cells and keep out harmful substances and allowing good nutrients to penetrate
- rich in protein, potassium, selenium and Vitamin B12
- contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 3

6) Cottage Cheese
- great for skin and bone maintenance as it is a super antioxidant food
- contains Vitamin E, essential minerals and selenium
- protects against skin cancer

7) Almonds
- rich in anti-oxidant Vitamin E
- Helps moisturise skin and guard skin cells from the sun's harmful rays

8) Dark Leafy Greens
- Vitamin A keeps cells healthy and skin from drying
- great from clearing up acne and promoting skin repair

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