[ Review ] : Beauty Buffet Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub

Review for Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub
Product Description
Tamarind has been acknowledged for generations in the East, especially in Thai culture, for its exfoliating and brightening properties. As a wonderful source of AHA and Vitamin C, Tamarind helps to gently slough away dull skin cells and diminish the signs of aging to reveal velvety smooth, glowing skin. Honey, a natural humectant, works to restore moisture, while Aloe Vera, an emollient, promotes healthy soft and youthful looking skin.

Texture of Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub

I purchased Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub from Beauty Buffet in Bangkok last December and was incredibly thankful that I came back to Singapore just before the pandemic started.

Beauty Buffet is Thailand's prime skin care brand. It integrates between the concept of breakfast buffet and cosmetic retail sales in order to create an outstanding uniqueness. It has wide array of products ranging from face mask, face scrub, face serum, body mask, body scrub, body serum, body lotion, shampoo and conditioner. Not only do the products have buffet style ingredients and variety to choose from, but also they are packed with advanced treatments that give the skin a complete care. You can check out the range of products on their website.

Packaging, Scent and Texture

Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub comes in a plastic tub that contains the brown creamy contents of the body scrub. The Tamarind scent is rather distinct and you may or may not like it. Considering the beauty benefits of Tamarind, I would think the scent is a small factor to not using it.

It took me awhile to get used to the scent and now I actually found to be pretty calming in a sweet cloying way.

Performance and Ingredients

The body scrub has a thick creamy texture that doesn't seem to glide well on skin. In fact, you have to use some effort to apply the scrub all over the body for a good scrubbing experience.

Appearance of Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub

After every body scrub session, it made my skin slightly smoother ( or sometimes no difference at all ) but not super smooth, unlike other body scrubs.

Nearing to the end of the contents, I realized that the scrub provided a better exfoliation, giving rise to smoother skin. I think it could be how the contents are scooped up as the exfoliation "beads" were probably sunk right at the bottom to be able to provide a good scrub.

That said, Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub may just suit sensitive skin as its non-abrasive at all.

The key ingredient, Tamarind is loaded with antioxidants that protect your skin from the harmful free radicals and possesses wound healing properties. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties to kill bacteria and restore the protective balance of the skin, helping to fight irritation, rash and itching. The alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) properties in Tamarind, known for their exfoliating abilities help to exfoliate the skin, making it soft and smooth.

Ingredients of Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub

Where To Purchase : Amazon
Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub


To conclude, Scentio Very Thai Tamarind Body Scrub has a distinct scent with a creamy texture that does not glide well on skin initially so it does not give rise to super smoother skin like what I hope for.

However, nearer to the end of the contents, the runny liquids sunk at the bottom provided a better exfoliation than before, hence skin was so much smoother.

I won't repurchase the product but if you are looking for a non-abrasive body scrub, this may be what you have been looking for!

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