Top 2 Beauty Cleansing Tips By Go Hyun Jung

Go Hyun Jung Beauty Tips

Go Hyun Jung, a Korean actress and model in her 40s, boast of a luminous and youthful skin which is legendary in Korea. Her face is nearly flawless, even without make-up. 

Her published book - Go Hyun Jung's Texture published in 2011 when she turned 40, was sold out in just 2 days. 

Here are her 2 beauty cleansing tips :

1) Cleanse the T-zone area first, followed by the cheeks. This is because the former area tends to be oilier than the latter, and by cleansing your cheeks last, you ensure the drier areas are not exposed to cleanser for too long. Over-cleansing = drier skin = more sensitive skin that has been stripped of its moisture, which makes your skin compensate by producing more oil. 

2) Peach Fuzz Cleansing Method - cleanse your face against the grain of your hair's growth so that it is easier to dislodge grit and plugs from your pores. 
- splash warm water on face to open up pores
- massage cleanser in the direction of fine facial hair growth, in an inside-out circular motion starting from the nose
- then begin massaging in the opposite direction of hair growth, concentrating on and around the nose, in an outside-in circular motion
- rinse off with lukewarm water

Source : Herworld

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