DIY Beauty : Tame Inflammation With DIY Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe vera, a healing skin-care ingredient is ubiquitous in the wellness world both in beverages and beauty products as an uber-soothing and hydrating force.

It speeds up your skin's ability to heal and also acts as a great moisturiser. It fights inflammation and is high in antioxidants. 

Manuka honey is loaded with antibacterial properties while lavender oil is calming for the mind, body and skin. Try the easy receipe today.

Ingredients :
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Powder
1/2 tablespoon Manuka Honey
2 to 3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

1) Stir aloe vera, honey and lavender oil together in a small bowl and ensure the honey melts into the aloe vera and lavender.

2) Apply with clean hands to entire face

3) Leave on for a few minutes to 30 minutes. Store the extras in a jar with lid.

4) Rinse for a glow.

Source : Wellandgood

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