7 Tips Regarding What To Do If You Have A Zit + My Personal Care Tips

Some people are blessed with good genes who probably never have a zit on their face before, while some people have to battle with acne for most of their life.

In between and most commonly encountered are people who have zits occasionally either due to their menustration cycle, stress or heatiness. But what frustrates most is probably zits with a knack to show up at the most inopportune moments and how to get rid of it in the fastest and most effective ways.

Here are some pointers to take note of,

1. It is always not wise to pick/squeeze/poke your zits - when you rupture the sac of a zit that holds oil, debris and bacteria, the material could land inside your other pores, increasing the chance of more acne. Poking your zit may also push the bacteria even further into the pore, creating a deeper infection with possibility of new strains of bacteria from dirty fingers or tools. Injuring your skin may also leave you vulnerable to more bacteria getting in and puts you at risk for scarring. Either way, it can take even longer for your body to get rid of the infection.

According to Mehmet Oz, popping can be dangerous in the "triangle of death". If you create a deep infection in the zone from the corners of your mouth to the bridge of your nose, the bacteria have instant access to your brain.

If you really must squeeze the zit, then consider popping it when it has a soft white head which meant that the pus is close to the surface of the skin and is ready to be drained without much effort. Don't try to pop one that is blind or cystic as they are deep infected bumps that are far below the skin's surface. They are also hard and often painful to the touch.

If you are not sure, leave the zit alone, apply the blemish gel and wait for it to "pop" naturally or subside on its own.

2. Don’t overwash or overscrub a zit. Over-cleansing will only strip your skin of the natural oils it needs. Just wash your face twice ( morning + night ) with warm ( not hot ) water + a gentle cleanser to remove dead cells, excess oil and dirt from the surface. Choose a cleanser which is suitable for acne-prone skin. Note that using a harsh soap can hurt the already inflamed skin and cause more irritation.

3. Keep your hands off your face and avoid touching your face with your hands unnecessarily. Not only can you spread bacteria, you can also irritate the already inflamed facial skin.

4. Choose products that are labeled "noncomedogenic". That means the product won’t clog your pores or cause breakouts. These are made for oily, dry or combination skin.

5. Look for acne-fighting products that contain Salicylic Acid. Other ingredients like Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid or Lactic Acid help to curb bacteria and dry your skin. However, as such ingredients may cause drying or peeling, its best to start with a small amount first and slowly adjust the quantity.

6. When pimples turn red, you can get an ice cube and place it on your zit for a few seconds to ease off that redness.

7. Apply a blemish gel on the zit to treat it.

Blemish gels are easily available over the counter but you may need to spend some time to get one which works on your skin effectively.

Choose blemish gel with the ingredient benzoyl peroxide in the lowest concentration possible.
If application of the blemish gel made your skin feels tight, then most probably, its not suitable for you as its too drying. Switch to a more gentle formula.

Remember that what works for your friend may not necessarily works for you. Similarly, the strongest formulation may not be the best remedy for you.

If its too drying, the skin around the affected area may peel. But if you really must use the too-strong blemish gel because its the only one that works, then apply a hydrating mask before applying the gel.

I don't have good skin when I was younger but through my own personal trials and research, my skin has become much manageable nowadays. These are steps undertaken when I have the ocassional zits during that time of the month.

My current go-to weapons for battling the zits are
- Vichy Normaderm Drying and Concealing Anti-Imperfection Stick
- Thursday Planatation Tea Tree Oil 100% Pure Multipurpose Liquid

Where To Buy :
Thursday Planatation Tea Tree Oil 100% Pure Multipurpose Liquid ( 50ml )
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Medicated Gel For Acne
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree 100% Pure Oil ( 15ml )

The Vichy Drying and Concealing Anti-Imperfection Stick works like a concealer so I will use it in the morning, after BB Cream application, before loose powder. In the night, after I cleanse my face, I will apply Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil 100% Pure. This is 100% pure and natural which is different from the one at The Body Shop which consists of only 5% Tea Tree Oil.

For my combination skin with surface dehydration, the Thursday Plantation Tea Tree 100% Pure is much gentler than Dermalogica Special Clearing Booster which I used to use, as per recommendation by my previous beautician.

If you have a deep cleansing mask, use it on the affected areas to soak up the excess sebum.

[ Read : 9 Natural Skin Solutions For Acne-Prone Skin
             Acne Ingredients To Avoid
             In Your Kitchen : 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars   ]

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