Indian Beauties And Their Beauty Secrets

Did you notice all Indians, regardless of gender have beautiful luscious eyelashes?
One wonders what is in their genes to get those super long and super curly black eyelashes?

Other than their beautiful eyelashes, they also have beautiful eyes and skin.
So what is their beauty secret?

Aishwarya Rai
- keeps to her skin regimen
- drinks at least eight glasses each day, if not more.

Sushma Reddy- begin her day with a huge jar of watermelon juice to body-cleanse.
- meditate to find inner peace.

Yana Gupta- drinks coconut water more than normal water
- uses coconut paste to cleanse her skin.

Aditi Govitrikar
- follows the Rainbow Diet : adds 3 colours to her diet every day. Green/Red/Orange
- moisturises her skin faithfully

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