[ Review ] Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack


Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack Review

Product Description
The JS Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack is a special product containing 16 types of beauty-enhancing ingredient from Hokkaido! Truly the perfect item to achieve glowing, radiant skin even without makeup! The Sakekasu supremely smooth, and rich moisturizing

I purchased Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack and Fukkurinko Rice Essence Pack late last year in Don Don Donki, when they were on sale. 

For those unfamiliar with Fukkurinko, this premium rice variety hails from the southern region of Hokkaido and has quickly gained popularity for its wonderfully fluffy texture. Beyond its delightful taste and consistency, Fukkurinko rice is also a nutritional powerhouse. It's packed with essential minerals such as zinc and magnesium, vital amino acids, and a host of vitamins, including B and C. Additionally, it boasts a rich supply of antioxidants, making it not only a delicious choice but a healthy one too. 

In Japan, drinking and using sake is a cherished tradition. Made from rice, sake is packed with healthy nutrients, including sake kasu, a byproduct of the brewing process. This miracle ingredient is rich in beneficial vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and minerals, making it a popular addition to many Japanese skincare and beauty products.

Packaging, Scent and Texture

Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack Texture

Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack is housed in a 195g soft pouch with a plastic nozzle for easy dispensing. It has a distinct sweet sake scent the moment you unscrewed the cap. White in contents, it has a similar texture to Fukkurinko Rice Essence Pack, with a thick but soft sake kasu-like paste that clings to the skin.

How To Use :

1) After washing your face, lightly dry it with a towel.
2) Squeeze a cherry sized blob of the product into your hand.
3) Spread it evenly over your face. (Avoid the area around your eyes and mouth)
4) Leave it on for 5-10 minutes then rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Tip : Use 2 -3 times per week. 

Performance and Ingredients

Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack Consistency

Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack is thick but soft enough to spread on skin like a paste that clung on skin. There was a refreshing cooling sensation on skin, upon first use. 

Wait for 10 minutes before rinsing off but due to the thick texture, it requires copious of water to rinse it off, so I prefer to use 2 damp cotton pads to do the first wipe before rinsing with water. 

My skin is left moisturized, soft, smooth and clear looking. I love reaching out for the face pack on tired skin days. 

The key ingredients are....

Rice Ferment Filtrate : Rice power by yeast fermentation hydrates skin to the fullest

Arginine : Promotes collagen formation by supplying the required building blocks and facilitating the collagen synthesis process. Increased collagen production improves skin texture, reduces wrinkle appearance, and promotes a more youthful-looking complexion.

Prunus Mume Fruit Extract : Improves skin tone and firmness. Combined with antioxidants, Prunus mume fruit extract enhances their action against oxidative stress and aging.

Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack Ingredients


Hokkaido Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack

To conclude, Fukkurinko Sakekasu Face Pack left my skin moisturized, soft, smooth and clear. Perfect for those tired skin days!

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