Pills for Beauty

The list of recommended supplements to look better:

USE ANTIOXIDANTS FOR ANTIAGING. Vitamins C and E, alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, and CoQ10 all fend off free radicals in the environment, preserving collagen and elastin (skin's "plumpers") and slowing fine-line accumulation.

"B" SMART ABOUT FIRM SKIN AND FORTIFIED HAIR AND NAILS. Even a mild vitamin-B deficiency will show up as brittle tips or slack skin.

OMEGAS FOR ALPHA SMOOTHNESS. To calm irritation, consider essential fatty acids (omegas-3 and -6): Recent evidence suggests they can calm psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

HYDRATE WITH HYALURONIC ACID. It is successful topically. So how about taken orally? It may also help skin stay moist.

POLISH WITH PROBIOTICS. Lackluster skin may be a reflection of a compromised intestinal tract. Probiotics can keep skin radiant by minimizing yeast overgrowth.

ZAP ZITS WITH ZINC. To regulate the oil production that can cause flareups, think zinc.

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