Review : Kyoto Nijo Kyonoyuki Massage Cream

Product Description
Give yourself a facial treat with this massage cream! Made with blend of 27 natural plant ingredients, Iso salt, honey, algae extract, and natural clay. The salt removes any dead skin leaving the skin soft and firm. The minty scent is a nice touch giving much appreciated relaxation.

Kyoto Nijo Kyonoyuki Massage Cream is said to be Kyonoyuki's first product and remains as their bestseller. Any bestseller is worth a try for me, after all, there must be a reason why it is a bestseller, right? 

Unfortunately, there were no instructions for the sampler set from Kyoto Nijo Kyonoyuki and the 20ml massage cream from the set does not come with any instructions too. Unlike the cleansing oil, soap bar and recovery gel cream, one do know how to use, but not this massage cream.

Do we actually use Kyoto Nijo Kyonoyuki Massage Cream as a daily scrub or as a weekly scrub? Is it a true massage cream as the name entails or is it a facial scrub? Are there any recommended steps to use the massage cream on the face? So many questions on my mind.

Peering at the contents as well as the description, I believe this is a facial scrub. I did try using it as a daily face scrub for a couple of days but it was slightly abrasive and caused slight redness to the sensitive areas, like the broken capillaries on my nose.

I switched to using it every couple of days which fits better in my skincare regime. The scrub seems thick and sticky during initial impression but once in contact with water, the massage cream turns into a facial scrub and glides on skin much easier. However, the odd thing is, the scrub is minty during massaging and left a cold and tingly sensation and especially so, during rinsing with water. 

I used it after Kyonoyuki cleansing oil, followed by my regular cleanser and then, this massage cream. My skin looked more even-toned and was super smooth but slightly drying, so a facial mask after the massage cream is highly recommended. The pores on my nose were much cleaner which lasted for about 2 days, before blackheads visited my nose again. 

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