Happy 2017, Folks!

As the year 2016 comes to an end, its time to reflect on what 2016 has been for you.

And in the blink of an eye, 365 days flew just like that. Its been a good year for me - not in the monetary sense, in fact that dipped quite a bit as I was indulging in what I like to do, on a personal level.

I have been spending my time, pursuing on some personal interest and I feel happy every morning. However, that also meant that I will need to sacrifice something in return for that - which is moolah.

But when I think of how life is so short and fragile, sometimes making myself happy is the most important thing on earth.

Hoping that 2016 has been an awesome year for you! Lets wish for 2017 to be an even better year for all of us.

Signing off with my favourite song from the late George Michael. RIP.

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