To Get Longer Hair : Avoid These 5 Food

1) Processed Sugars

Everyone knows that processed sugars are bad for your skin, but did you know that it can harm your hair as well? Sugary foods cause insulin levels to rise, which in turn increases androgen. Androgen (a male hormone) is known to shrink hair follicles, which translates into weak and fine hair strands.

2) Juice Cleanse
When you’re on a juice “cleanse”, the high-sugar diet will increase insulin and androgen levels. Plus, there’s no way you can get enough protein and fibre with an all-juice diet. Juice cleanses have not been proven to rid your body of “toxins” and can do more harm than good, so please stick to a well-balanced healthy diet instead.

3) Low Protein Diet
Hair is made of keratin, a protein. Without sufficient protein in your diet, the quality of your hair growth is going to suffer.

4) Too Much Vitamin A

Vitamin A toxicity can lead to liver damage and increased brain pressure. On a less dramatic note, too much Vitamin A makes your oil glands shrink and stop producing oil, which is great for oily skin but not so much for your hair. Luckily, you’ll have to eat tons of tomatoes and carrots to overload on Vitamin A.

5) Too Much Fatty Fishes

We know that Omega-3 helps when you’re trying to keep your hair healthy, strong, and shiny. However, omega-3 rich fatty fishes like tuna and salmon often contain high levels of mercury, which can lead to hair loss. Mercury disrupts protein development and absorption of zinc, a mineral essential to hair growth. It’s recommended that you keep your fatty fish intake to less than 12 ounces per week.

Source : AsiaB

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