Your skin is often a reflection of your health—and that's a good thing. Changing up your diet may is underrated, efficient route to clearer, younger looking skin. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than all those lotions and potions lining the counters.
We've all looked in the mirror and asked, "Do I look my age?" Most of us want to prevent aging, reverse aging, or just age gracefully, which leads to the question: What should we eat to keep our skin looking younger and healthier? There's a reason, after all, that the conventional wisdom tells us you are what you eat; everything in the body is connected so if your gut isn't healthy, it will most likely show up on your face! Here are a few beauty-boosting, nutrient-rich foods to help keep you looking your best.
1) Blueberries
Blueberries are a high-antioxidant food—and antioxidants are like superheroes in the battle against aging skin. Foods rich in antioxidants help slow aging at the cellular level by scavenging free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and tissues, which results in wrinkles and premature sagging.
2) Strawberries
A cup of strawberries (about eight strawberries) contains more vitamin C than an orange. Not only is vitamin C key to a healthy immune system, but it does wonder for our skin because it helps produce collagen, which keeps skin taught and smoothes fine lines.