6 Drinks that Fight Age

When to Drink: At the Alarm
Hydrating will help beat that groggy feeling and make your skin look its glowy best (both now and later in life)

When to Drink: At Breakfast
Coffee may help your heart and (if you take it black) metabolism, and it reduces risk for some types of cancer, studies show.

When to Drink: At Lunch
Sip tea. Green kick-starts metabolism and can help fend off breast cancer. Black tea may lower blood pressure, research from the University of Western Australia suggests.

When to Drink: P.M. Snack
Hot cocoa (have it over ice if you can't take the heat) has more antioxidants than does coffee, red wine or green tea, a study from Cornell University reveals. Great for your heart and skin.

When to Drink: At dinner
Enjoy a glass of red wine: Piceatannol, a compound your body makes when you drink vino, could stunt fat-cell growth (woot!), the Journal of Biological Chemistry reports.

When to Drink: Before Bed
Grab milk-your skeleton will love the calcium, and your muscles will love the protein. You'll wake up even stronger.

Source : Healthylivinghabits


Tiffany said...

Hello Agnes, good monday to you! :) like to share on this too, i read from a health book on the art of eating fruits. for morning, eat apple, pear and grapes. before meal say lunchtime, some banana, tomato then eat our food. for after meal fruits, the better ones are pineapple, papaya, kiwi to greatly help in digestion and metabolize the fiber/nutrients in the food we eat earlier :)

so far i find it a bit hard to follow this plan as we work outside, somehow our meal can be affected especially if we have a need to do juicing, it is more convenient at home. so for weekend, i started doing some vegetable juicing e.g. apple, celery, beetroot, carrot to cleanse our body.


have a great week and many beautiful days ahead!

Agnes said...

Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for your valuable tips and generosity in sharing with us. I did not realize that there is a different in the category of fruits for the different times of the day. Definitely enlightening!

Yes indeed, fruits are not part of my regular diet to the hectic lifestyle and now I am trying to make an effort in incorporating fruits as part of a balanced lifestyle.
I have also tried a DIY vegetable smoothie recently, from a celebrity nutritionist.
(http://www.kimberlysnyder.net/blog/2009/07/11/green-smoothie-recipe/ )