Review : Kiehl's Ultimate White Brightening Cleansing Cream

Product Description
Dermatologist Solutions Ultimate White Brightening Cleansing Cream breaks down pigmentation clusters and inhibit melanin formation for brighter and more translucent skin, the collection is made from stabilised Vitamin C, Plum Fruit Extract and other Botanicals. It also contains light reflecting minerals such as Mica, Titanium and Bismuth Oxychloride that brighten skin for a more radiant, porcelain-like complexion.

Boyish and cute looking Kiehl's Boys are always found fronting their stores to give away complimentary samples. And on one of my trips to town, I was given a 5ml complimentary sample from them.

This product is touted to remove unwanted skin-surface impurities, minimize the appearance of pores and promotes a brighter appearance as it draws away dead surface skin cells. Complexion is notably brighter with a more even and luminuous tone.

A little goes a long way and one 5ml sachet was able to last me for about 10 times of usages. It lathers prety well too. I have been using it as night cleanser lately. The texture and colour reminded me vaguely of Loreal foam cleansers which always left my skin feeling taut. My first usage of this cream does just that. It left my hands feeling slightly tight and my face feeling slightly dry.

I skipped it for 3 days and continued using it thereafter, just to be sure that its the cleanser.
Surprisingly, there was no tight feeling on the face after that 3 days. My hands still feel slightly dry and taut, with those squeaky-clean feeling.

However, my skin was softer, smoother and looks slightly brighter. The pores on my nose seems almost smaller as the blackheads seem less obvious. I am actually quite surprised by the results as I do not really have a positive result for any foam cleanser. Unfortunately, I do dislike the tight feeling on my hands after each cleansing routine so its not a cleanser which i would get.

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