Review : Its Skin Collagen Eye Mask Sheet

Product Description
Collagen keeps your skin  clean, soft, elastic and helps your skin moisturised. Its designed to smooth the complexion while reducing the appearance of discoloration.

This brand is generally considered as one of those premium brands if compared to The Face Shop, Skin Food, Missha, etc. Its not available locally and I bought 5sheets when I was in Korea.

Its packaged in a clampshell type of packaging and each pair of masks are just moist enough for about 1 hour of usage. The sheet is quite thin and slippery. There is a chemical scent but nothing too overpowering.

If used on normal weekdays when I have less than 7 hours of sleep, there is not much improvement.
However, I do notice a big improvement when I have more than 8 hours of sleep over the weekends, and if combined with a good concealer and make-up, my eye bags, puffiness and dark circles are well hidden underneath.
A keeper, when you have rested days which people hardly have, nowadays.

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