Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021


How has this year been for you? On a scale of 0 to 5, how would you rate yours? 

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year like no other. And while many of us will be thankful to see it come to a close, this year has been a game changer for digital-first experiences like Tik Tok and ecommerce. 

I am incredibly blessed that traffic has surged for my blog this year as many of us at home started to take #selfcare seriously. I am indeed thankful that many of you trusted my reviews and I will continue to provide quality and genuine content for you. 

As usual, I will share some meaningful and inspirational quotes. There's hidden value in finding a concise expression that perfectly distills our own beliefs. 

The right quote at the right time can change things as they encourage us to get up, overcome tough times, take action, stop procrastinating, escape comfort zone, invest in personal growth and do the hard work that needs doing. 

Inspirational quotes keep me going during my darkest periods and I hope these quotes can help you too. 

If 2020 has not been your year but you have at least tried.....

2021 will be another chance.....

Start planning and setting new goals and directions....

Reflecting on the year that has been is a great way to assess your experiences and what learnings have you picked up. These can help set the goals you set for the upcoming year.

Mistakes are often seen as negative with some believing that when you make a mistake, it means you aren't doing well however, the truth is, its only through mistakes that give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.

As we grow older, we learnt new lessons and become better versions of ourselves. No matter the outcome, part of any goal is continuing the journey....

Along the way, do remember that.....

....and whenever you are feeling down about your current achievements as compared to others, remember that.....

And finally, I wish you the best in 2021...

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