[ Review ] : Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum

Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum Review

Product Description
Azélique Serumdipity Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum is a quick absorbing treatment with stabilized Vitamin C to brighten and lighten skin. This hydrating treatment helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots as well as helps to promote the biosynthesis of collagen. The eco-friendly packaging is certified by the Sustainable Forest Initiative.

I purchased Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum on Iherb after reading several positive reviews online and gifted to my mum but she had an allergic reaction to it where her chin would turn splotchy red and became itchy. She returned it back to me for my own use.

Made in USA, Azelique is an Iherb in-house brand that produces premium anti-aging skin care, using an effective blend of blend of nutraceuticals, vitamins, and botanical extracts formulated to help slow the visible signs of aging, repair damage to skin’s surface, and refine skin tone for healthy vibrant skin.

Packaging, Scent and Texture

Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum Texture

Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum comes in a 30ml brown glass bottle with light orange contents. It does not smell like oranges but more like an acidic scent. The texture is runny and spread easily and absorb readily on skin. 

Performance and Ingredients

Suitable for all skin types, Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum does not contain parabens, phthalates and dyes. The brand is also cruelty-free and does not conduct animal testing.

I started off with twice daily usage for a week but it lead to dry and flaky areas on cheeks. I stopped using it for a month and resumed back, however, the same symptoms occurred so this product is not suitable for my skin type. 

That said, my skin is soft and smooth immediately after application. With 1/3 used up for the face before deeming it as unsuitable, I started using Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum on the chest, arms and legs. Skin was noticeably softer, smoother and more even-toned. 

Aminopropyl Ascorbyl Phosphate is the vitamin C derivative that's created by combining ascorbic acid (pure vitamin C) with a molecule called 3-APPA (it stands for 3-aminoproply dehydrogen phosphate) for antioxidant, collagen-boosting and skin-brightening magic abilities.

Check out the full ingredients breakdown on Incidecoder.

Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum Ingredients

Where To Purchase : Iherb 


To conclude, while Azelique Age Refining Vitamin C Facial Serum may be an affordable Vitamin C serum, it may not work for everyone, as seen in my case.  It did make my face softer and smoother but also gave rise to red and flaky skin, however it worked relatively well for my body. 

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