#1 Skincare Tip from Pony Park Hye Min

Pony Park Hye Min is one of Korea's most famous beauty gurus, with over 4 million subscribers on Youtube. So literally whatever she says, we will definitely listen.

Green Tea has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin which help to reduce redness and puffiness and Pony incorporates that into her skincare routine.

Tip 1 :
She washes her face with green tea water, made by soaking bags of green tea in warm water. Do twice a week for best results.

Tip 2 :
As the last step in your cleansing routine, fill the sink basin with water the same temperature as your skin then add a scoop of green tea powder. Splash it on face and pat dry with towel.

You can check out the Pony's night time skincare routine video below.

Source : Harperbazaar, asiabe, herworld

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