9 Foods That Fight UV Damage

How To Fight UV Damage With Food


This fragrant, pine-scented herb helps fight inflammation in the body, undoing damage done by the sun and harmful environmental elements. Rosemary, sage, parsley, and basil are considered to be the most beneficial herbs. In particular, rosemary has been proven to possess high radical-scavenging abilities and anti-microbial benefits.

Read 5 Natural Beauty Tips From Your Kitchen Cabinet to use Rosemary as an anti-dandruff and hair fall reducer.


Sure, there are always warnings about mercury in fish, but luckily, salmon is one of the healthy ones. Packed with essential fatty acids like omega 3's, they're good for the brain, but also great for the skin. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in fatty fish like salmon and herring act as a fountain of youth and a disease-fighter. Salmon is considered as one of the 6 budget superfood and it is one of the Secrets To Healthy Glowing Skin By Victoria Beckham.


Okay, so you may not love cruciferous veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or kale, but you'll want to get out your roasting pan when you hear the facts. Research has shown that these fibrous foods may protect against cancer and inhibit the growth of unhealthy cells. It is also important as part of the Pretty Skin Diet in order to give you smoother and line-free skin.


Did you know that the rates of colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease in India are particularly low? It's believed to be due in large part to the amount of curcumin in their diet, a compound that protects against free radical damage. A key spice in yellow curries, tumeric is high in the disease-fighting antioxidant. It is also one of the 8 Anti-aging Super Food To Look Younger.

Red bell peppers

Vitamin C is key for building strong collagen and fighting wrinkles. While your first instinct might be to reach for an orange, red bell peppers contain even more of the youth-boosting vitamin. Plus, they're lower in sugar, which actually causes skin inflammation.

Olive oil

You may already know that olive oil — a staple of the Mediterranean diet — is a healthier alternative than fatty butter or processed margarine. What you might not know though is that it's high in omega-3 fats, with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Not only does it lower your risk of skin cancer, but it wards off signs of aging as well.

Read Beauty Secrets From Around The World where Olive Oil is a hit with the women in Greece.

Green or white tea

Next time you stop into your local coffee place, you may want to skip the java and opt for a hot cup of green or white tea instead. Green and white teas are rich in polyphenols — particularly catechins — which have an inhibitory effect on cancer cells. It is known as one of the 8 Green Food For Healthy Glowing Skin and read What Green Tea Can Or Cannot Do For Your Skin.

Pumpkin seeds

Instead of tossing those squash seeds, you may want to toast them up for a skin-saving snack. They're a great source of zinc, a trace mineral that acts as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, protecting against UV radiation, enhancing wound healing, and boosting the immune system. Not only does it reverse photodamage, but it can also slow down the growth of acne-causing bacteria. It is one of the 4 Food That Make Your Skin Glow.


Bright red tomatoes — the redder, the better — are loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant known to protect your skin from the sun. Adding tomato paste to your diet has been proven to help protect your skin from sunburn and sun damage. It's most easily absorbed when the tomatoes have been cooked because the process helps release the lycopene from the plant cells. Use Tomato as one of the 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars.

Source : EverydayHealth

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