5 exercises to smooth facial lines and wrinkles

DIY Face Exercises To Look Younger

Here's an excellent article on how to smooth facial lines and wrinkles which I presume all, if not most of us would be interested.

Exercise 1: The Scowl-Line Banisher

Step 1
Take your two forefingers and place them one on each side of your scowl line. Pull your fingers gently apart if you need to smooth out the line.

Now pull your brows together, but make sure you are not making the line again (look in the mirror to make sure). You are just working those muscles. Hold for a count of ten.

Step 2
Now move your fingers apart so they rest in the middle of your forehead, approximately above the arch of each eyebrow. Now think about pulling your corrugators towards your fingers and your temples—you are counteracting the pulling-in movement with a pulling-out movement. Feel that vertical line being smoothed away.

Exercise 2: Palming  (soothe the eyes and the optic nerves, and help reduce puffiness)

Step 1:
Rub your palms together until they feel warm.

Step 2:
Cup palms over your closed eyes so that the heels of your hands are resting directly on your eyelids. Push gently against your eyes

Exercise 3: Upper lip smoothie

Place your forefingers on either side of your mouth corners to anchor the muscles. Stretch your top lip down and over your top teeth and towards your mouth corners at the same time. Your upper lip should be completely smooth, no puckers.

Hold for a count of five, then release. Repeat three times, holding for a count of ten each time.

Exercise 4: The Carp Curl

Step 1:
Place your two forefingers on either side above your mouth, along the nasal-labial folds. This anchors the area as you work on your orbicularis oris.
Without making lines in your upper lip (stretch it as in the upper lip smoothie above) stretch your top lip forward and up towards your nose.

Step 2:
Curl your lip up and out, as if you were a fish sucking in water. Curl it ten times, then relax, then curl it ten times more, this time a little faster

Exercise 5: Advanced Carp Curl

Step 1:
Place your forefingers on either side of the nasal-labial fold and curl your lip up towards your nose as in the previous exercise.

Step 2:
Now stretch your lip down over your teeth (as in the Upper Lip Smoothie).

Step 3:
Alternate the two movements so that you resemble a fish. Repeat 10 times. Relax.

Repeat this three times. Each time you do it, make the alternating movements a little more rapid, while trying to maintain a smooth rhythm. When you are done, relax. Wiggle your mouth around to relax the muscle (without making lines!)

Source : Mvblog

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