Beneficial Ingredients to include in beauty products

The English Marigold, otherwise known as Calendula Officinalis, has long been used to heal wounds, reduce inflammation, and relieve chapped skin and sunburn.

Having a long history in the medicinal arena, it also gain accolades in modern-day skin care.
The oil extracted from the brightly colored petals is thought to have detoxifying properties, acting as an antiseptic while also soothing the wound.
This allows the user to treat a variety of skin ailments, such as acne, eczema, and sunburns. Even those with the most sensitive of skin will find that it gently comforts and calms dry, damaged, and irritated skin.

Milk is good for your body.
Dairy-based products are beneficial to skin because of the hydrating properties they contain—they prevent dryness by promoting moisture.

Rich in beta-hydroxy acids, milk also acts as a natural skin conditioner. By exfoliating old skin cells, milk soothes and softens to produce smooth, glowing skin. Another important nutrient in milk is lactic acid, which not only helps to gently clean and soften skin, but also stimulates skin cell renewal.

Anyone prone to breakouts, excess oil production and/or who are lactose intolerant may want to avoid using milk-based products.

Seaweed filters hundreds of gallons of water daily; allowing it to soak up a complete spectrum of chelated minerals like zinc, selenium and magnesium.
And because it also synthesizes at least a dozen vitamins like Vitamin C, seaweed is considered one of the most nutrient-rich substances on earth.

Seaweed helps to cleanses, tones and soothes the skin. It not only regenerates and tones body tissues, but also improves circulation; this helps skin maintain its youthful appearance and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Seaweed can benefit hair as much as skin by boosting moisture and shine.

Rice has long been used as both a skin treatment and beauty enhancer in many different countries.

Each form has a specific purpose to make your skin healthy and luminous:

Seeds: Folk medicine practitioners have used rice seeds to treat various aliments such as psoriasis, inflammation, dryness and eczema.

Starch: Women in Europe and Asia began to use rice to soften and beautify their skin after discovering that the starch in rice is a natural talcum that soothes and softens the skin.

Bran: Rice bran has been found to offer intense moisturization, anti-aging properties and UV protection.

Powder: The addition of rice powder to mineral foundations can soothe skin irritations, provide a cooling effect and allow those with sensitive skin to wear a powder foundation minus the itchiness that can occur with mica-based products. Rice powder aids in smooth application by adding a silky texture to makeup formulations.

Niacinamide (nahy-uh-sin-uh-mahyd) is part of the Vitamin B group and is water-soluble.
It is functionally identical to Niacin; however, it is not as irritating to the skin.
It has several benefits including anti-inflammatory properties, it increases skin barrier function, decreases skin pigmentation, decreases redness, stimulates collagen, decreases fine lines and wrinkles, and it is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog your pores.

Finally we have found an ingredient that is a "hole in one." Because of the anti-inflammatory, skin barrier and anti-redness properties, Niacinamide is commonly used by acne and rosacea sufferers; however, it has also shown superior anti-aging properties and is great for anyone's skin.

It has been long revered as a symbol of healing and longevity. Recent studies have shown that this ancient fruit has powerful antioxidant properties, beneficial in topical skin care.

Rich in ellagic acid, the pomegranate promotes the regeneration of cells in the two most important layers of healthy skin, the epidermis and dermis. The fruit extracts prolong the life of cells in the dermis called fibroblasts. These cells produce the skin's essential structural fibers, including collagen and elastin. As skin is exposed to sun damage and other aging factors, the ability to heal diminishes.

Pomegranate extracts help repair and restore the skin's ability to heal quickly, thus helping to reverse the signs of aging.

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