Hair Highlights at Actpoint (again? )

Salon : Actpoint @ Orchard
Location : International Building #01-08
Tel : 67342898
Senior Stylist : Sophie Goh

Well, I finally decided to add on some colour to my hair, after a year of haitus. I never really thought that a hair perm in black would look good, it just made one look older. And so I decided to bite the bullet and have it done. Its not that I have never done any hair colouring before.
I started off with hair colouring ( meaning 1 solid colour for the whole head ) many years ago and I thought it was too boring after a few times. Then I moved on to highlights and again, it become too boring for me. And finally, I decided to do lowlights and highlights together on the hair which is my absolute favourite. And I have been doing that once a year for many years.
The ugly thing is when my hair started to grow and so the highlights and lowlights become quite unpleasant as the months gone by. Kinda of like black on the top and colours at the bottom of the hair. Its like wearing a cap.
But I insisted on doing only once a year as its just too damaging on the tresses.
Last year, I decided not to do any hair colouring and stick to my original hair colour plus some leftovers colours from the previous year. Its actually not that obscene since my leftover colour was close to my natural hair colour. I just wanted to let my tresses recover from the years of damage of such chemical treatment.
I started to be more diligent and stock up on my hair treatment products. All my reviews are in the blog. 

So to make the choice to have highlights again, is actually returning back to the days when I first started hair colouring. I just feel that highlights is the least damaging on the hair.
I took 1/2 day leave and pop in by the salon. It was all done in less than 2 hours at $130 ( $110 for the highlights and $20 to clear away the leftover colours ). Efficient!

I did learn something from one of the shampoo lady, that highlights are best suited for those with thick hair as it gives dimension and texture to the hair, to minimize the look of being a thick mop of black hair. Hmm. Its something I never thought of and suddenly I am so thankful to my parents for the genes of having thick hair.  

This is the 3rd time back to the salon so actually I have nothing to add on to the review of this salon, except that I appreciate the fact that Sophie is the one to do the highlights. In other salons, the stylist is usually the one to supervise as she tended to a few customers at any one time. The assistants will do all the jobs while the stylist claim the credit.

So finally, I found 1 salon which truly is doing something correct. Thank goodness.
Will I go back to the salon again? Watch this space in 3 months time when I go for my next haircut then. lol.

The end result is actually more reddish than what I would like. Its actually a mixture of brown and red. Stylist usually think fair skinned people are more suited for reds but I absolutely hated reds. I don't crave for attention. I like natural colours as too light colours made the tresses look damaged and dry. I don't like red as its too attention grabbing which is not really me. And if you do notice, many aunties like red coloured hair too. haha.


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