DIY : Green Cleaning Products

Homemade Fabric Softener
Ingredients: 2 cups of vinegar, 10 drops of essential lavender oil
Directions: Mix the ingredients in an old fabric softener bottle. Make sure you give the bottle a good shake prior to each laundry load.
All-Purpose Cleaner
Ingredients: 1 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp lemon castile soap, 10 drops lemon essential oil
Directions: Place the castile soap and essential oil in a spray bottle. Add distilled water and mix well. Did you know that both castile soap and essential oils have disinfecting qualities? This natural, all-purpose cleaner not only smells amazing, but cleans any surface well!
Wood Polisher
Ingredients: 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1 tsp castile soap, 4 drops essential oil
Directions: Mix lemon juice, castile soap and essential oil in a glass jar. This natural wood polisher consists of similar ingredients to the all-purpose cleaner and it smells as good as it cleans! Don’t forget to pop it in the fridge in-between uses as this is an all-natural product. Remember to shake the glass jar before using!
Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaner
Ingredients: Half distilled water, half vinegar, few drops of your favourite essential oil
Directions: Mix distilled water, vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle. It is strongly advised to keep a bottle of this under your sink as vinegar is considered a natural disinfectant. The essential oil works wonders to musk the smell of the pungent vinegar odour.
Toilet Cleaner
Ingredients: Baking soda, vinegar, distilled water
Directions: Mix vinegar and distilled water in a spray bottle. To use, simply sprinkle baking soda into the toilet bowl accompanied by a few sprays of your water/vinegar mixture. For the best effect, remember to scrub it clean with a toilet brush after!
Source : Saferskin