5 Vitamin Cures for Fantastic Skin

1. Vitamin C: Exfoliator.
Mix a teaspoon or two of vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid) with some almond milk until you get a nice paste, and massage it into your face with a little brush. Once you feel it tingle, rinse and apply some rosewater. Do this 3-5 times a week, and your skin texture will improve quickly. Don't use on injured skin, as ascorbic acid burns in open wounds.

2. Vitamin E: Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. 
Just squeeze the content of one vitamin E capsule onto fine lines of your clean face before you go to bed, and you'll be as good as new when you wake up the next morning.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids: Face Mask.
Skin-wise, omega-3 fatty acids are perfect for reducing inflammation, lines and wrinkles, and they even help you fight clogged pores. If you want to use them externally, mix a little bit of finely ground chia seeds with some organic yogurt and a splash of flaxseed oil, and stir thoroughly. Apply on your skin like a face mask and rinse with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes. If you do this before you go to bed at night, you'll still feel the moisturizing and rejuvenating effects the next day.

4. Zinc: Moisturizer.
Zinc is a powerful nutrient. It promotes cell renewal, has a skin-soothing effect and is a terrific acne buster. If you want to increase your zinc intake, salmon, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, garlic, chickpeas or shrimp are great sources.

5. B Vitamins: Overall Skin Health.
B vitamins are vital for healthy skin and could easily be considered genuine skincare heroes. Because B-vitamins are water soluble and get washed out if your body doesn't use them right away, it's important to replace them daily. If you want to give it a try, buy clams, mussels, crab, beef or lamb next time you go shopping, or simply find a good (preferably organic) supplement.

Source : MindBodyGreen

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