Remedies for Tired Eyes

1. Crow's Feet

Crow’s feet is the result of repeated squinting. Squinting causes grooves to appear on the surface of the skin, and these grooves will eventually become a permanent feature of the facial landscape.
Take a break--If you do a lot of work in front of the computer, take a break and do a little palming exercise. It goes like this: rub your hands together for a few seconds, then place the heels of your hands over your closed eyes. Press against your eyeballs gently, but using firm pressure, for about 30 seconds—this is very soothing for the optic nerve

Tape away the lines—A simple remedy is to put scotch tape over those areas that tend to crinkle up during sleep, concentrating on the outside corners of eyes and in between the eyebrows. The tape bits remind us not to scowl or squint while we are asleep.

2. Wrinkles

Wear sunscreen. Some people hesitate to put it too close to your eyes, but a safe and gentle sunscreen should go on right up to the bottom rim of the lower portion of the eye. Wear good sunglasses to protect the upper lid.

Repair at night with an eye product that contains antioxidants. MVOrganics like products that dry quickly once applied, like serums or gels. Creams tend to dissolve and leak ingredients into the eyes, which may make them puff up. Continual swelling and shrinking of the delicate tissue around the eyes can actually cause more wrinkles than it prevents.

3. Puffiness

Puffy eyes can be a sign of not enough sleep, dehydration, or in some cases allergies. For some people genetics is a factor. Get eight hours sleep a night, drink enough water and follow the suggestions to reduce the occasional eye puffiness.

Green or black tea bags make wonderful eye compreses. Pour hot water over your tea bag as if you were making a cup of tea, then put them in the refrigerator to cool off. When you are ready to relax, take 2 cold tea bags, wring out excess liquid, lie down and place over the eyes. Relax for about ten minutes.

Choose an eye product containing caffeine or guarana. The caffeine helps to restrict blood flow, thus reducing puffiness.

4. Dark circles

Choose an eye serum that contains Vitamin K. Vitamin K helps with blood clotting, thus reducing bruising.

Look for bioflavonoids like rutin in your eye product. Bioflavonoids help strengthen capillaries to reduce bruising.

Source : MVOrganics

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